Get behavioral health support in 3 steps
Find a provider
You don’t need a referral from your primary care physician to access outpatient therapy from a provider in your network. Search for an in-network behavioral health provider and filter by specialty, location and more to find the best fit for you.
Tip: There are many types of behavioral health care professionals who may be able to help. Speaking with your primary care physician about your concerns is also a good option.
Set up an appointment
After you choose a provider, follow their site’s instructions to schedule an appointment as a new patient.
Prepare for your first visit.
Whether your first appointment is in person or a video visit, your provider will ask you about your current health and health history before your session. It will likely be a questionnaire to help your provider get a better sense of your needs.
Once you’re set up, consider taking a self-assessment (or “screening”) for more insight into your behavioral health needs. Screenings do not provide a diagnosis and simply offer suggestions. It’s a
good idea to share your screening results with your provider.