Travel and lodging coverage

Get paid back for qualifying travel costs.

Two older woman with suitcases checking into hotel room

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, we can help cover travel and lodging costs, up to $5,000 per occurrence. This applies to CalPERS Medicare members who have an authorized referral for health care services 50+ miles away from their permanent residence.

You need prior authorization  unless otherwise noted.

Services eligible for travel and lodging coverage

Get travel and lodging coverage for services including, but not limited to:

  • Bariatric surgery
  • Organ and tissue transplants
  • Gender-affirming care

What’s covered


  • Mileage to and from the facility from the member's residence and/or lodging is covered.
    Mileage is reimbursed according to the IRS mileage rate.
  • Round-trip coach or economy airfare, bus, or train tickets.
  • Taxi or rideshare services.
  • Standard-class rental cars.
  • Parking and tolls.


  • One double-occupancy room if one or more overnight stays are required for your care.
  • Coverage is limited to the room charge and tax, up to $200 per night. All other hotel expenses are excluded.


  • Up to $100, per person, per day, excluding alcohol.

Traveling with a companion

  • We’ll cover the above expenses for one companion.

What you pay

You must pay for your transportation, lodging and meals when you are billed. Payments for transportation, lodging and meals do not count toward your maximum out-of-pocket amount.

There is no copay, coinsurance or deductible for travel and lodging coverage up to $5,000 per occurrence.

How to get reimbursed

Reimbursement is effective Jan. 1, 2025 for travel and lodging services provided in 2025. Please submit your reimbursement request within 180 days of the date of service. 

Please submit a completed form and the required documents online, by mail or by fax.

  • file icon  Travel & lodging reimbursement request form (PDF)


    Log in or create a Sharp Health Plan online account. Select Claims, then Travel & lodging reimbursement form.

    By mail

    Attention: Claims Research
    Sharp Health Plan
    8520 Tech Way, Suite 200
    San Diego, CA 92123

    By fax

    Attention: Claims Research

    Include copies of these documents with your reimbursement form

    • Travel receipts: airline, bus, train, taxi or rideshare, rental car receipts
    • Hotel invoice
    • Itemized meal receipts
    • Itemized invoices

    Documents submitted to Sharp Health Plan will not be returned.

    Tax information

    You may be able to report certain travel expense reimbursements when you file your taxes. When required, we will send you a Form 1099-MISC. Sharp Health Plan does not provide tax advice. If you have questions, please contact your tax advisor.